Working Theory

Ultrasonic Cleaner sends out high frequency shaking signal, which is converted into high frequency mechanical shaking, spreads in the solvent and produces thousands of tiny bubbles. These bubbles are formed and developed in the negative pressure area in the transferring process.

Later they are immediately closed in the positive pressure area. Instantaneous high pressure of more than 1000 p is then produced and this process is called vacuum effect. It is just like a series of explosions which constantly heat the surface of the subject and reach the purpose of complete

Incredible Cleaning Effect


Because of its special design, this instrument has improved both dissolution and emulsifications in solutions. Besides the Ultrasonic Cleaner has great degassing effect without causing pollution to environment, therefore it has been widely used in machinery, electronics, medical, chemical tests and other industries.

Salient Features

  • Ultrasonic Cleanerremoves micro dust, clot, and blood stains, in instruments/scopes in 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Maintains the sharp edges of the instruments and totally eliminates the breakage of fragile glassware
    apparatus like test tubes, pipettes, etc.
  • Continuously maintains the standard of qualitative cleaning.
  • Cumbersome and time consuming processes can be eliminated by using Ultrasonic Cleaner.
  • Facilitates to perform more surgery in a day.
  • Easy removal of hard stains.
  • System is portable and provides maximum efficiency with minimal maintenance.
  • Can be used in operation Theatres, Optical and Dental Clinics, Hospitals, Laboratories and diagnostic centres.
  • The entire process is controlled by software driven technology and beep sound is heard after completion of every cycle.
  • In built water level sensor and heater with digital timer control for each function.
  • Its totally made with latest international sweep and degassing technology